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Kavalkade Memory Comfort Dressage Girth

DKK 549,00
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Farve: Black
Black Kavalkade Memory Comfort Dressage Girth
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The dressage girth Memory Foam "Comfort" without elastics is cut extra wide in the chest area to optimise the pressure distribution for the horse. At the same time, the girth retains its shape and does not warp during riding despite the soft and comfortable material. Memory foam is a kind of soft mass that adapts perfectly to uneven surfaces. The memory foam moulds itself around the horse's body and adapts perfectly. Cartilage, bones or small bumps are thus relieved. After use, the memory foam returns to its original shape.


  • Dressage girth without elastic
  • With wide belly plate
  • Soft memory foam material
  • Adapts perfectly to the position of the horse's girth
  • With D-ring in the middle
  • Stainless steel fittings

Teknisk beskrivelse:

Material: Memory foam covered with neoprene.

Produkt-ID: 344129
