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Back on Track Caron P4G Men's Tights

RRP: -15% Rabat
DKK 509,15
RRP: DKK 599,00
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550kr: -10% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo
900kr: -5% EKSTRA & -15% rabat på Horze & B Vertigo

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Farve: Black
Black Back on Track Caron P4G Men's Tights
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 30 Dages Retur


The P4G Caron Men’s Tights form a dry and comfortable base layer during all kinds of activities - thanks to their exceptional material properties. Made from a functional fabric that wicks away moisture and allows for high breathability, these tights are also infused with Iontex technology that harnesses and reflects the infrared energy produced by the body. Wear them closest to the skin during skiing or use them as training tights. They are made for movement and will provide you with the best conditions for preparation, performance, and recovery, no matter what sport you practice. The material is smooth and flexible, with a soft, brushed inside surface. The design is simple and casual, with a wide, comfortable elastic at the waist.


  • Iontex® technology
  • Flexible and soft
  • High breathability
  • Simple design without pockets, buckles, lacing, etc.
  • Antibacterial properties that counteract bad odor

Produkt-ID: 306276
